Speaker profile

Mr Peter Richardson
Available for booking
Astronomy Outreach Educator.
Full biography
I am one half of the UK based businesses Space Detectives and Wild about Exmoor and have had a passion for Astronomy and Space since I was a child. In 2010, I built my very own home based observatory and kitted it out with a Meade LX200 permanently in situ. Over the years I used this to develop my Astrophotography skills, which subsequently resulted in me being selected as an International Astrophotography Finalist for 2 years running.
Since then, I have acquired several different telescopic set ups, gone onto further develop my astrophotography skills, as well as design and construct my own telescopes, including the grinding of the mirrors, all on machinery which I too also designed and built.
With Space Detectives and Wild about Exmoor, in partnership with my wife Jo, we endeavour to inspire the general public UK wide with our stargazing events, presentations (in person and online) telescope and Astrophotography workshops and courses.