Speaker profile
Mr Paul Money
Available for booking
Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England
100 miles travel distance
Amateur Astronomer
Astronomy Author
Paul is a well-known and respected speaker in the astronomy community.
Full biography
Paul has been giving talks on a wide range of astronomical subjects for over 40 years (he began when he was 2 yrs old - no just kidding!) and began when he was the programme secretary then Chairman of Boston Astronomers in southern Lincolnshire. Giving talks to local astro societies from 1982, his reputation grew with astronomical societies from across the UK booking him regularly to speak.
In 1993 he went semi professional as a speaker and also wrote occasional articles for Astronomy Now and later became the Reviews Editor for the BBC Sky at Night magazine from 2006 until recently retiring in 2024 having served them for 17 years. He still writes occasional reviews and gives talks, long distance talks have to be done via zoom but recently (May 2024) has begun a return to physical talks as long as they are within 100 miles, otherwise they are done via zoom.