Speaker profile

Mr Michael Poxon photo
White Heart Image

Mr Michael Poxon

Available for booking


Norwich, Norfolk, England

Travel distance

100 miles travel distance


Amateur Astronomer


Research Astronomer


Astronomy Author


Mike is incredibly knowledgeable of the night sky, an astronomical software developer and an author.

Full biography

Michael has been an astronomy observer since age the age of five and knows the sky literally better than the back of his hand!

He has written original astronomical software and a book on binocular astronomy.

At present, Michael runs the Young Stellar Objects group of the AAVSO, and has given talks both in the UK and US, including to the BAA variable star section as well as authoring several papers published in JAAVSO, PASP.


  • AAVSO (American Association of Variable Star Observers)
  • Lectures

    Variable stars

    Star formation

    Binocular astronomy

    Star names and their cultural meanings

    Connect with Mr Michael Poxon

    Speaker Location

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