Speaker profile

Mr Michael Czajkowski
Not currently available
Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire, England
100 miles travel distance
Academic Lecturer
Michael is a keen astronomer with an interest in planetary science.
Academic and popular aspects of geology
Planetary Science
Asteroid Dawn (Vesta and Ceres Investigation)
Landing on a comet (Dawn Mission to Eros)
The Real Rama and other Aliens
Oumuamua and other Extra Solar system visitors
They came from outer space
A talk about meteors and impacts on Earth
Mercury: a Messenger for the Solar System
Life in the Outer Solar System
Water in the Solar System
Ultima Thule and Friends
New Horizons post Pluto
Venus Planet of Mystery
A look at the geological evolution of Venus, questions and possibility of future exploration and presence of life.
Mars: Looking for water
A summary of curiosity results and a summary of the more recent geological evidence for water on early Mars.
Titan: Moon of Mystery
Look an historical investigations on Titan and results of some investigations post Cassini
Giant Planets and where to find them.
Definitions, differences between gas and ice giants. Where formed, Migration. Rogue giant planets and effects on the Solar system should we have visitors.
Early Timekeeping in Medieval Monasteries in Poland
Evidence from Mogila Monastery near Krakow for an early clock dial