Speaker profile

Dr Luke Tyas photo
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Dr Luke Tyas

Available for booking


Durham, Durham, England

Travel distance

Will travel anywhere in the UK


Research Astronomer


Academic Lecturer




Science Operations Principal for Dark Energy Cosmology at University of California Berkeley (Tenured).

Full biography

Luke is Scientific Operations Principal for Dark Energy at the University of California Berkeley. His primary responsibility is overseeing the operation of the $100M DESI instrument located in Arizona, which is dedicated to creating the largest-ever map of the Universe.

Luke's previous endeavors have been equally impressive. He has contributed to the engineering of instruments used in the discovery of exoplanets, operated the largest telescope in South Africa, and worked on instrumentation projects for the esteemed European Southern Observatory. Additionally, he has managed a renowned public stargazing observatory in the UK, demonstrating his commitment to making astronomy accessible to the wider public.

Luke's dedication to outreach is further evident as he co-chairs the dark energy public outreach committee for Berkeley Lab, and speaks frequently as a guest lecturer on Fred.Olsen cruises, highlighting his efforts to engage and educate the public about the fascinating field of dark energy.

Beyond his scientific pursuits, Luke indulges in astrophotography and night-scape photography, showcasing his creative side and capturing the beauty of the cosmos through digital and film formats.

Overall, Luke's extensive experience in instrument engineering, telescope operation, public engagement, and his passion for astrophotography make him a remarkable figure in the world of astronomy.


  • University of California Berkeley
  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • University of Durham
  • South African Astronomical Observatory
  • Southern African Large Telescope
  • Go Stargazing
  • Fred.Olsen Cruises
  • Kielder Observatory
  • Connect with Dr Luke Tyas

    Speaker Location

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