Speaker profile

Mr Gerard Gilligan photo
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Mr Gerard Gilligan

Available for booking


Liverpool, Merseyside, England

Travel distance

100 miles travel distance


Amateur Astronomer


Gerard enjoys giving talks on astronomy, particularly the history of astronomy, to astronomy societies and groups at outreach events.

Full biography

Gerard Gilligan first became interested in the great science of Astronomy when he was 8 years old, following the Apollo 8 mission around the Moon. He soon took a book off a school library shelf – and yes it was written by Patrick Moore. His mum brought him an astronomy book and a pair of binoculars for the Christmas of 1969, and after all that he was hooked!

Gerard has many interests within astronomy, and following man’s interest in exploring space, both with manned and unmanned space craft. He enjoy's giving talks on astronomy to both astronomical societies, groups, and during outreach events. But his particular interest is the history of Astronomy, both locally and nationally, and he is a founder member of the Society for the History of Astronomy. He has served as SHA membership secretary, meeting Secretary, and was elected Chairman of the Society in 2018. The SHA celebrated its 20th anniversary year of foundation in 2022.


West Kirby to the Moon

The History of Liverpool Astronomical Society

Telescopes, Planets, and Drinking Beer

William Lassell 1799-1881

Connect with Mr Gerard Gilligan

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