Speaker profile

Mr Bud Martin Budzynski photo
White Heart Image

Mr Bud Martin Budzynski

Available for booking


Yeovil, Somerset, England

Travel distance

130 miles travel distance




Astronomy Author


Science Educator


Bud is a keen amateur astronomer, telescope maker & musician and offers a wide range of beautifully illustrated presentations suitable for both avid stargazers and the general public.

Full biography

Bud first became interested in astronomy at 8 years old after seeing a bright meteor flash across the night sky. Determined to learn more, he avidly read all the astronomy books in the local Public Library then set about making his first telescope from spectacle lenses and cardboard tubes.

At the same time, he developed a love for music and by the age of 13 had made his own electric guitar. Nearly 60 years later, Bud is still performing at gigs on his equally old Gibson 345.

Astigmatism in his right (dominant) eye began to make observation at the telescope eyepiece a troublesome experience so Bud developed a system using a modified web-cam to view the heavens.

Naturally, this paved the way to enable him to capture the images he was seeing on the computer screen. Constantly improving camera sensor technology meant that before long he was seeing objects – especially on the Lunar surface – in such detail impossible with his naked eye.

Bud is an internationally published Lunar Astrophotographer.


  • Crewkerne & District Astronomical Society - Treasurer
  • Lectures


    Lunar & Planetary photography

    The Life & Times of Isaac Newton

    Tain't Rocket

    How to become an Astronomer

    A Life on Mars

    Back To Basics


    The Long Way Around the Universe

    In Search of Aliens

    The Life and Times of Galileo Galilei

    A wickedly humorous appraisal of this celebrated astronomer through the prism of modern-day media. We discover his many qualities as well as failings and impact he made on the scientific world.

    Connect with Mr Bud Martin Budzynski

    Speaker Location

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