Speaker profile

Dr Brad Gibson
Available for booking
Keele, Staffordshire, England
Will travel anywhere in the UK
Science Communicator
Science Educator
Professional Astronomer
Dr Brad Gibson is one of the UK's most prolific Science Communicators, delivering more than 1000 talks to students and the public over the past decade.
Full biography
Earlier in his career Brad held the Chair in Theoretical Astrophysics at the University of Central Lancashire, and served as Deputy Head of School (Biological Sciences and Electrical Engineering) at Swinburne University in Australia.
As well as holding several leadership roles in a number of academic organisations, he has also published more than 500 research publications which have been cited more than 40,000 times, and he has secured more than £10m in research grants to date.
Brad is passionate about inspiring others and has carried out more than 1,000 outreach events over the past seven years reaching two million people around the world.
His commitment to widening participation from underrepresented groups, and improving the career prospects of physics students, led to his “Changing Face of Physics” campaign being named Best Practice in the Country by the UK’s Equality Challenge Unit.