Speaker profile

Dr Anne-Marie Weijmans photo
White Heart Image

Dr Anne-Marie Weijmans

Available for booking


St Andrews, Fife, Scotland

Travel distance

80 miles travel distance


Professional Astronomer


Anne-Marie is a Reader in Astrophysics at the University of St Andrews.

Full biography

Anne-Marie Weijmans is a Reader in Astrophysics at the University of St Andrews. Her research focuses on the structure and dynamics of nearby galaxies, and mapping their dark matter haloes. She is the data product manager of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), which has been observing the sky since 1999, and is a resource of astronomical images and spectra both for research and for education.

Anne-Marie is an experienced public speaker, who often gives talks in musea and science festivals, and who gives interdisplinary astronomy workshops at primary schools. Her public talk topics include 'Voyage to the Planets', 'Stars, Constellations and How not to get Lost', 'The Secret Lives of Galaxies', 'The Quest for Dark Matter', and 'The Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and what you can do with it'. For younger audiences and schools, her talks include 'What's in Space?'. School workshop titles are available on request.

Anne-Marie is a member of the Young Academy of Scotland.


  • School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews
  • Lectures

    Voyage to the Planets

    Stars, Constellations and How not to get Lost

    The Secret Lives of Galaxies

    The Quest for Dark Matter

    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and what you can do with it

    Connect with Dr Anne-Marie Weijmans

    Speaker Location

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